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Constitution and By-laws

Brighton Park Golf Club
Constitution and By-Laws

REVISED 4/15/2019


The name of this club shall be the Brighton Park Golf Club


The object of this club shall be to promote and enjoy the game of golf among male residents of the Town of Tonawanda


All play shall be governed by local and the United States Golf Association rules


The fiscal year shall be from the first day of November to the last day of October


Section 1 - The number of members shall be left to the discretion of the Board of Directors.

Section 2 - Members of good standing, who continue to meet the membership requirements, are automatically entitled to membership for the ensuing year, providing renewal application is received on or before April 1st.

Section 3 - Any member shall be expelled from the club by a majority vote of the Board of Directors if it appears that his conduct has, or will endanger the good name and character of the club, or its reputation. No vote shall be taken until five (5) days after a written notice shall be given to the member, who shall have the privilege of appearing before the Board in his defense. He will be allowed to have a member in good standing appear with him on his behalf.


Each member shall pay annual dues of $95.00. Dues are to be paid on or before April 1st each year. A late fee of $10.00 will be assessed to any application postmarked after this date.


All candidates for membership shall sign an application, which must be approved by a club member in good standing. A non-refundable initiation fee of $10.00 must accompany the application, which must be submitted to the Board by the membership chairman. The minimum age for membership shall be eighteen (18) year at entry. Each candidate's application shall be numbered on the waiting list, in sequence by the Membership Chairman. The general membership shall have the opportunity to review each new applicant. After being reviewed by the general membership, the Board of Directors shall vote on admission of the candidate to be placed on the waiting list until vacancy occurs. The candidate must receive a majority vote of the Board.


The Board of Directors shall consist of eleven (11) to thirteen (13) members and shall have the management and control of the affairs of the club, approve the members thereof, select its officers and enforce all the Articles of the Constitution and by-laws. The Board of Directors is entitled membership dues as compensation for their term of office, starting after the completion of their first year on the Board, and run three (3) consecutive years as said member is active on the Board.


Nominations for the Board of Directors shall be made by a nominating committee appointed by the President, consisting of two (2) active members and one (1) member of the Board. The President shall appoint the Chairman of this committee, which shall meet prior to August 15th. Its task shall be to seek candidates wishing to serve on the Board of Directors. They shall present the names of said candidates to the Board of Directors for approval. Candidates shall be nominated for each directorship as their (3) year term of office expires on a 4, 4, 3 yearly basis. Each newly elected Director will begin his term of office on November 1st. The new Board members will be introduced at the spring general membership meeting.


The Board of Directors shall meet monthly plus any special meeting called by the President. Robert's Rules of Order (revised) shall be followed at the Board meetings. Any Director that shall absent himself from three (3) consecutive meetings of the Board without proper notification and good reason approved by the Board shall be automatically relieved of his office and his place filled by someone who will be appointed by the Board of Directors for the balance of the term. The Secretary shall make known at regular Director's meetings the name of all the Directors who have missed three (3) consecutive meetings. Action must be taken before adjournment.

Section 1 - The Board of Directors shall appoint a replacement for the resigned Board members.

Section 2 - Board members who continually neglect their appointed duties and responsibilities without valid reason shall be removed from the Board by a two-thirds vote of the Board.


The election of officers, with the exception of the President, shall be conducted at the November Board meeting. The position of President shall be voted upon by the incumbent Board of Directors at the September meeting. The President elect will preside and chair the November meeting and his term of office shall run inclusive through October.


Section 1 - The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and perform all duties as may be incidental to his office. He will also submit a proposed budge for the new fiscal year and a final Treasurers report for the year ending, both of which will be mailed to the membership thirty days prior to the spring general membership meeting.

Section 2 - The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in his absence. If the President and Vice President are both absent, the Secretary will call the meeting to order until a President pro-tem is elected and he will chair the meeting. The Vice President will also have the following responsibilities:

  1. Chairman of the member/member, member/guest
  2. Final authority for interpretation of rules and greens
  3. Chairman of the season events book

Section 3 - The Secretary will keep a record of all the meetings. He will also have the following responsibilities:

  1. Provide each Director with a copy of the minutes at least one week prior to the next scheduled Board meeting.
  2. He will issue notices to the membership as requested by the Board
  3. He will act as Corresponding Secretary
  4. He shall publish the forecaster, the number of which shall be at the discretion of the Board of Directors
  5. Send a copy of all Board meeting minutes to the Club Historian

Section 4 - The Treasurer shall be bonded, keep the accounts of the club, receive and deposit all money belonging to the club, and shall pay all bills when properly approved. He shall submit a written report of the financial condition of the club at each meeting and prepare his books for audit at the end of the fiscal year.


The President will appoint from the Board of Directors the following Chairmen, who in turn shall appoint their own committee.

Section 1 - Membership

The Membership Chairman will:

  1. Keep an accurate roster of the names and addresses of all club members
  2. Keep an accurate sequential listing by date of all applications received by the Chairman of all perspective new members.
  3. Provide the membership with a complete roster no later than the start of tournament play

Section 2 - Handicap

The Handicap Chairman will:

Compute and post a weekly record of each member's handicap adjustments will be made according to USGA rules. It is each member's right to request a hearing with the Board if he believes an abnormal adjustment has been made to his handicap. A letter must be presented to the Board for such a hearing.

Section 3 - Tournaments

The Tournament Chairman will:

  1. Plan the weekly schedule of tournaments subject to the approval of the Board of Directors
  2. Administer all special tournaments, to include starting time of players and determining winners
  3. Notify the Prize Chairman of all tournament winners
  4. Notify the newspapers of major event winners no later than the final day of the tournament
  5. Be in charge of all publicity pertaining to tournaments
  6. Keep plaques in clubhouse updated with winners names at the end of each season

Section 4 - Prizes

The Prize Chairman will:

  1. Coordinate a list of prizes for the scheduled events with the Tournament Chairman
  2. Post prizes to be awarded prior to the event
  3. Provide for prizes within the confines of the fiscal budget and approval of the Board of Directors
  4. Coordinate solicitations with the Vice ? President regarding the Season Events Booklet
  5. Shall provide the Treasurer with a composite list of all prize winner for the season

Section 5 - Entertainment

The Entertainment Chairman will:

  1. Coordinate all social activities of the club
  2. Investigate and provide a list of establishments for social functions and submit to the Board for final approval regarding all major events
  3. Provide the necessary refreshments for all special events
  4. Provide an accurate itemized statement for each special event at the next Board meeting

Section 6 - Western New York Public Links Representative

The Public Links Chairman will:

  1. Coordinate all WNY Public Links activities as they affect the members of our club

Section 7 - The Buffalo District Golf Association Representative

The BDGA Chairman will:

  1. Coordinate all BDGA activities as they affect the members of our club


Any member having complaints or suggestions as to the management of the club must do so in writing to the Board of Directors. Any notice that is not signed will not be acted upon.


It is understood that the club will function in accordance with practices instituted by the Town of Tonawanda Recreation Department


Section 1 - All Amendments and revision to the Constitution and amendments to the By Laws of this organization shall be proposed by the Board of Directors and shall be voted on only by general membership

Section 2 - All amendments or revisions will become effective only after they have been approved by a two thirds vote of the membership voting and must be published within thirty days after approval

Members must be notified thirty (30) days in advance of voting of any proposed amendment of revision to the constitution and By Laws


The club colors will be maroon and white


The Junior Golf Club shall be supported financially the Brighton Park Golf Club

The Town of Tonawanda Recreation Department has the responsibility of the management of the Junior Club


Non-Residents of the town of Tonawanda who were previously members in good standing are eligible for membership to the club. These members are allowed to hold a position on the board of directors.


Non-Residents of the Town of Tonawanda may be allowed join the club following the same requirements spelled out in ARTICLE VII. A Maximum of 25 Non Residents will be allowed to join the club each year


Members who have attained 30 consecutive years of membership in the Brighton Park Golf Club shall be recognized by the club at the annual general membership meeting in that year .